
>Welcome!  >Calendar >Indoor Park

Indoor Park

March 3, 2025 at 9:00 AM
Recurs every Monday

Indoor Park at the Lebanon Seventh-day Adventist Church Gym starts Monday January 6. This is a free service for babies to preschool aged children with their parents or guardians during the cold and wet weather to play in our gym. Mondays 9-11AM. 690 South 10th Street. We hope you can come!

Older home schooled siblings are welcome as long as they are well behaved and give the little ones their space. We want this to be a safe and fun place for the littlest ones. A table will be set up for older children for studying or playing.  There will be some puzzles and board games available for the older children.

Please note there is no Indoor Park when the Lebanon School District has no school.

No Indoor Park: January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 27 School In-Service February 17 Washington’s birthday March 24 Spring Break

Indoor Park end date: To be determined. There is a possibility it will continue through April. Calendar will be updated at a later date.