Milo Music Tour - March 5th -Central Valley Christian School is excited to have Milo visiting us on their Music Tour! They will perform Wednesday, March 5th at 8:45AM. Their 1.5 - 2 hour performance will include their choir, One Voice (select
choir), strings, hand-bells, drama, and praise songs for all to sing along. This
performance isn't just for students, families and friends are invited as well. If you are interested in attending please call the school they can make there are enough seats ready for you! (541) 928-7820
Save The Date! The social committee invites you to a Progressive Dinner - April
13th beginning at 4 pm. What is a progressive dinner? It's a "strolling" dinner, so to speak. We will have one central meeting location with ample parking at the Wallace’s home. From there, you will be assigned your first dinning location and further instructions. Join us for a unique dinner opportunity spread out among four
different households (all within easy walking distance of each other). Our dinner will end with an ice cream social at the gym. Reservations are required for this event. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer. Please contact Kresta.
Central Valley Christian School Spring Auction Donations- Are you interested in creating and donating an item or basket for our Spring Auction? If so, please let Ms. Carter know what kind of basket you'd be interested in creating. If you'd like to help but need ideas we have a list of suggestions as well and would love to provide basket ideas to be fulfilled.
Indoor Park
Our next Indoor Park will be March 3. See calendar for more information and dates in February and March.
Potluck update-We will now have two potlucks each month. “No host” potluck in the gym on the first Sabbath of each Month. We will continue to host our regular potlucks the third Sabbath of each Month. Guests are always welcome!
We have 2 prayer groups each week! We have the Taste and See women's prayer group at 2PM on Tuesdays and a Prayer Group on Thursdays at 1PM. Contact the church office for address 541-258-7827.
Please be mindful of those in our church family who are sensitive to scents and perfumes.