Welcome to all who are tired and need rest;
To all who mourn and need comfort;
To all who are lonely and need friends;
To all who sin and need a savior;
To all who seek to serve their fellow man;
This church opens wide her doors
And in the name of Jesus Christ bids you






Indoor Park 
This month, we have only 1 more on January 13.  No Indoor park on the 20th due to MLK Jr Day and on the 27th due to Lebanon School District inservice. See calendar for more information and dates in February and March. 

Potluck on January 18 will be haystacks. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer to sign up for the different ingredients. Please write your names on your dishes. Thank you.

If you’re a woman who is widowed, divorced, single, lonely, hurting, please join us for our annual Valentine Luncheon (ONE STEP AT A TIME), Sunday, February 9th at 1:00 pm, hosted by Take Heart Ministries.  In addition to a lovely catered lunch there will be a program designed just for you. We are meeting at Gladstone Church located at 8378 Cason Road in Gladstone.  Check in begins at 12:30 pm. To register (or for more information), contact Tawny Sportsman at 541-401-2521. If you register by January 15th  mail your $20.00 check to Tawny Sportsman at 4913 Mimosa Circle, Sweet Home, OR 97386. If you register after January 15th , mail your $25.00 check to the same address.

Walnuts for Sale- Tell your friends and family! Only $10 per quart! A lovely addition to any holiday table they are picked, cracked, dried, and ready to enjoy. All proceeds go towards the 8th Grade Class. Stop by in person to pick up or call the school to reserve your bag(s) today! (541) 928-7280

Potluck update-We will now have two potlucks each month. “No host” potluck in the gym on the first Sabbath of each Month. We will continue to host our regular potlucks the third Sabbath of each Month.  Guests are always welcome!

The Woman's prayer group at 2PM on Tuesdays will resume January 21.  Contact Yordanka or the church office for information 541-258-7827.

Please be mindful of those in our church family who are sensitive to scents and perfumes.

Contact Info

Lebanon Seventh-day Adventist Church
690 S 10th St
Lebanon, OR 97355-2025


Church family, Are you in charge of  weekly or monthly ministry or an upcoming event?  Please submit the information to sept12@gmail.com so we can get the correct information on the church website calendar.

If you have information for the bulletin or would like to add an announcement, please note the deadline is Thursday at 12:00. Thank you for your cooperation.
Email Rita at churchofficesda77@gmail.com

If you have a change in address, phone number and/or email please let the
church secretary know, in order to update the church directory. Thank you!